GL 006 Natural Ventilation for Dairy Tie Stall Barns
A properly designed and operated natural ventilation system will provide healthful conditions for dairy cattle in tie stall barns. Naturally ventilated dairy tie stall barns have adjustable ridge and sidewall openings to allow fresh air to move through the barn without mechanical fans. These barns are insulated the same as mechanically ventilated tie stall barns to allow consistent control of inside winter temperatures and humidity. Well-managed natural ventilation provides fresh, dry, and comfortable conditions for dairy cows in tie stall barns.
This document was originally published in cooperation with the Northeast Regional Agricultural Engineering Service (NRAES), a cooperative program of 13 Land Grant Universities and USDA. NRAES became the Natural Resource, Agriculture and Engineering Service. NRAES is no longer active in any form and has become part of Plant & Life Sciences Publishing (PALS) at Cornell University. This document in its present form has been discontinued under NRAES/PALS. It is currently archived under the DPC but is still available.